Friday 23 January 2015

Liebster Award

Thank you very much to Rachel ( for nominating me for the liebster award! I am so shocked that not even a month into this blog I have not only been nominated for an award but for just being recognized in general! How crazy is that?!

For those that don't know
The Liebster Award is an online award that is passed around (similar to a chain letter in a sense that it should be passed to a certain number of bloggers). The liebster award was generally created to promote small blogs and just share the love!

I am quite new to this so I have taken the rules from Rachel!

1) Answer the 11 questions given to you by your nominator.
2) Nominate 11 other new bloggers with fewer than 200 followers.
3) Create a set of 11 questions for your nominees.
4) Let your nominees know that you nominated them.  

My answers to Rachel...

1) When and why did you start your blog?
I started my blog not even a month ago ( January 2015). The main reason that I started this blog was that I honestly needed an outlet to share my ideas and generally what was on my mind. The foundation of my blog was my curious mind and a split second of courage to get started on something and not give it up. 

2) If you are granted one wish (you can't wish for more wishes :P), what would you wish for? 

If I was granted for one wish hmm... Because I have many small wishes such as health and happiness it's hard for me to choose just one. I think the most important thing in life is to make yourself happy and that's reflected around you in your environment and the people in your life. So I guess I would wish for the promise that I will stay true to myself in the future wherever it will take me :) This would be my wish because it has an umbrella effect where everything else you could possibly need in life falls underneath. 

3) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

If I could travel anywhere in the world I would definitely go to Yosemite National Park in California. I have wanted to visit this particular national park for the longest time after watching one of FunForLouis vlogs. The trees are massive and the thought of being in the midst of hundreds of trees just towering over me brings a smile to my face. I think that once you see how truly huge these trees are, a sudden realization that all of our problems are so small. We're so small! The mountains and the forest are so grounding and uplifting, I can only dream of going there one day!
The beautiful sequoia trees! 
4) Who are your favourite bloggers? 
  • My main favourite blogger would have to be Cassey from Blogilates. She is my true inspiration for anything health and fitness related! She has made a drastic impact on how I view myself and therefore how I treat others.  (
  • Naomi Smart is another blogger that urged me to actually start this blog. While Cassey still is my true motivation, Naomi was the blogger that really gave me the extra push to actually make a blog. Her blog is filled with healthy treats, her life, as well as fashion. I don't pay attention that much to the fashion aspect of her blog. It was Naomi's attitude towards life and her overall personality that makes me so driven to do the same for you guys!    (
  • Finally, I present the beautiful Ali Scheuler. Her blog is mainly about self-expression and connecting to our bodies and our cycles. Which I feel like I can relate with the most :) Her blog is very uplifting and inspiring. It is one of the only blogs that I've really come across that really promotes self-love in such a raw form.    (
5) What is one of the most vivid memories from your childhood? 

 I now realize how being a kid was amazing. No judgements, or worries about anything. I remember eating ants with my dad and sister outside, going to the cottage with my family, or the outrageous birthday parties that my mom would always throw. I think we can all agree that childhood was amazing!

6) What makes you happy?

You can find happiness in anything, literally it's about perspective! There are so many things in my life that I can be happy about and choose to recognize. I mean more like the simple things in life are what really have meaning to me. Some things that make me happy are
  • being able to take a hot shower
  • good food 
  • being physically active
  • talking to people that I really miss
  • taking time for myself every once in a while
  • my cat
  • watching Friends
  • taking pictures 
7) What are you grateful for today? 

While we may be caught up in our own lives being grateful for things is so important, and that's why this question is really important to me. You have to realize that's it's not about whether or not a certain person likes who you are, but more about if you like who you are. If you stop concentrating on trying to please other people and more about pleasing yourself, gratitude will naturally come. Being grateful is something so much more than being happy about something, but deeply appreciating it. I am personally grateful just for the life  I have and the experiences I will get.

8) What career are your pursuing?

I would like to pursue something in the area of holistic healing? - But that could change at any moment.

9) What is your favourite quote?

Climb mountains not so the world can see you,
 but so you can see the world.

10) Who/ what inspires you?

My mom is the person who inspires me the most in my life. I mean she gets things done with more passion then anyone I know. I'm constantly inspired and grateful for my mom because I have a parent that couldn't love me any more then they already do.

11) What is a goal you have for 2015? 

Ultimately my goal for 2015 is to learn new things. I am feeling pretty optimistic for the year to come and I cannot wait for what it will bring!

My Questions:

1) Why did you create your blog?
2)What/who inspires you in life?
3) Who makes you laugh?
4) Name a talent about yourself (bragging time)
5) What do you wish to accomplish in 2015?
6) Someone who you miss?
7) Favourite kind of food?
8) Favourite quote?
9)A good memory you have?
10) A sport or activity that you want to try one day?
11) What are you grateful for?

I nominate: 

Everyone reading this! I know I just broke some of the rules, but I'm still new to this and I want everyone to be able to experience this. So if you have a blog just say I nominated you!

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