Thursday 15 January 2015

Matcha green tea latte at home!

Hey everyone!

How are you all doing? Well, whether you are dealing with work, school, or both. -Here is a super simple recipe for a matcha latte. For me, I know that this new year has been quite busy with exams and assignments. For most students that means pulling all-nighters, and drinking copious amounts of coffee.

While I do enjoy a good cup of coffee, I was really craving that extra kick of energy at that halfway point during the day. That's when I thought "Matcha!"

Yes that's right, matcha. For those of you who don't know matcha powder is basically a much more concentrated form of green tea. That's why I love that a little bit can certainly go a long way! Matcha green tea has many health benefits and therefore, had to be in this blog!

Lately I have been drinking matcha lattes during the late afternoon time to give that extra kick and motivation to get my work done. Matcha powder has become very popular and "trendy" and can be found at many local coffee shops today, like Starbucks.

That also means that the drinks can include various extra ingredients that just don't need to be there! Although, if I am ever in a pinch I will pick up a matcha latte, only made with soy milk, and unsweetened (so I can add my sweetener later.)
Starbucks study snack!

In case you were wondering some of the benefits are:

  • Boosts metabolism
  • Safely detoxifies body
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Energy booster 

So, today I will be showing you my easy method on whipping up a Matcha latte. All you're going to need is 3 ingredients because we don't have that much time!

Ingredients & Anything else you might need: 

For those wondering yes, today we are going to be using a coffee press to make this latte. If you don't have a coffee press don't sweat it, if you have a blender that will work just as well. I chose to use a coffee press because it will easily blend the ingredients while foaming my milk. If you are going to use a blender I would not suggest putting the hot liquid in first, because of the pressure build up might spill hot latte all over the kitchen! You can just blend the ingredients first in the blender and then heat it up afterwards.

To begin, all you will need is

  • Coffee press, or blender
  • A mug of your choice!
  • 100% matcha green tea powder (I got mine from DavidsTea.) 
  • 1-11/4 cup of milk (soy, skim, regular, or almond)
  • Sweetener of your choice ( honey, stevia, or maple syrup)
You are first going to want to start by taking your milk and heating it up either in the microwave or stovetop, I decided to go with heating the almond milk on the stove.
Then, take a spoonful (around a teaspoon) of your matcha powder and place it in the coffee press (or the blender.)
When your milk has finished heating up, carefully pour it in your coffee press or blender (be sure to give it a good stir!)
Place the lid on top and let the coffee press do it's magic! 

Next just pour it into your cup! I decided to drizzle some honey (not very well I might add) to add sweetness. You could totally opt for some maple syrup to make this recipe vegan!

There you have it, a delightful matcha latte ready to be sipped on! This recipe honestly takes only 5 minutes to make. It is delicious served either hot, or cold over ice~ Enjoy!


  1. mmm matcha latte is my fave. <3 this looks delicious!

  2. It certainly was! Match is the best!
